Organizations & non-profits to support here, now, and always.
The following orgs are ones that align with Nyxturna's vision for a better and more equitable future. The goal with this list is to have it continuously grow + expand and become a useful resource for all. Have an org you want to add to the list? Let us know!
Native American Rights Fund
“Since 1970, the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) has provided legal assistance to Indian tribes, organizations, and individuals nationwide who might otherwise have gone without adequate representation. NARF has successfully asserted and defended the most important rights of Indians and tribes in hundreds of major cases, and has achieved significant results in such critical areas as tribal sovereignty, treaty rights, natural resource protection, and Indian education. NARF is a non-profit 501c(3) organization that focuses on applying existing laws and treaties to guarantee that national and state governments live up to their legal obligations.” (Information via Native American Rights Fund website)
Warrior Women Project
“The Warrior Women Project is an innovative collaboration of scholarship, media, and activism that seeks to provide a forum for the Warrior Women of the Red Power Movement and current indigenous activists to tell their stories in their own words for the benefit of future generations. We recognize women as history makers in their own right and as keepers of rich cultural traditions. The stories of these relatives, organizers, activists, thinkers, and community leaders cannot and should not be left absent from the modern history of indigenous peoples.
As an indigenous women’s collective organized around the principle that the past and present are interconnected in the indigenous worldview, we believe that knowledge leads to action. Our mission is to ensure the informed future of Indigenous Nations by empowering the leadership and solutions of Native women through culturally relevant research and outreach programming.
Warrior Women was founded in the same tradition of ancestral Native women’s societies that led to the 1978 historic establishment of Women of All Red Nations (WARN). This is a tradition in which women worked together in gender-specific groups to address an issue that fell within their sphere of responsibility as cultural caretakers. In our case, Warrior Women came together to find contemporary methods of passing on vital cultural information being lost due to intergenerational historical trauma and the persistent impact of colonization.” (Information via the Warrior Women website)
Protect Native Elders
“Protect Native Elders is a diverse, indigenous-founded, intertribal, 100% volunteer charitable organization working to provide rapid relief support to indigenous communities fighting COVID-19. Operating in consultation with tribal command centers, our rapid response model enables us to deliver directly to facilities and first responders in emerging COVID-19 hotspots. In the two months since our grassroots beginning, we’ve delivered over $300,000 worth of PPE and other critical supplies to over 60 sites.
We work with suppliers, manufacturers, and DIY maker collaboratives to ship masks, face-shields, hand sanitizer, food, water and other essential elements directly to our distribution hubs throughout Indian Country.” (Information via the Protect Native Elders website)
First Nations Development Institute: Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund
“The COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund is designed to distribute funds efficiently and swiftly to Native nonprofit organizations and tribal programs that need it most. Initially, funds are being prioritized in high-concentration areas – California, New Mexico, the Pacific Northwest, New York, Navajo Nation, Hopi Tribe and COVID-19 hotspots. First Nations is passing through 100% of donations to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund without any agency cost. The entire amount of any donations and grants received from foundations will reach Native communities directly.” (Information via the First Nations Development Institute website)
Emergency Release Fund
“Trans people face dramatically elevated risk of harm or death in pre-trial detention. Because of systemic discrimination and criminalization that pushes them to the margins of society, trans people are less eligible for pre-trial release under existing programs. They are more likely to be assaulted in jail and less likely to get out, a lethal combination. The mission of the Emergency Release Fund is to ensure that no trans person at risk in New York City jails remains in detention before trial. If cash bail is set for a trans person in New York City and no bars to release are in place, bail will be paid by the Emergency Release Fund. Trans people experience constant injustice. Behind bars it can be fatal. It’s on us to make sure no one – not one person – falls through the cracks. We can and we will.” (via Emergency Release Fund Website)
Brave Space Alliance
“MISSION: Brave Space Alliance is the first Black-led, trans-led LGBTQ Center located on the South Side of Chicago, dedicated to creating and providing affirming, culturally competent, for-us by-us resources, programming, and services for LGBTQ individuals on the South and West sides of the city. We strive to empower, embolden, and educate each other through mutual aid, knowledge-sharing, and the creation of community-sourced resources as we build toward the liberation of all oppressed peoples.
Health and Wellness – We view health and wellness as broad concepts, reaching far beyond getting tested or focusing on medical services. Queer and trans people face unique barriers to living full, healthy lives. We break down these barriers by offering programs that focus on the needs in our community, such as food insecurity, housing insecurity, and economic justice.
Visibility and Expansion – We want Black and Brown queer and trans people to be seen, wherever and however they want to be seen. And we know our community deserves services that are accessible to them, in the neighborhoods in which they live. Brave Space is striving to expand our programming to all parts of the South and West sides; if you are located there and want to partner with us, please reach out!
Bravery and Solidarity – We step away from the language of safety, because we know that queer and trans people can never truly be safe in spaces and communities that are not of our own making. We instead emphasize bravery-- living one’s fullest, truest, and best life in the face of oppression-- and solidarity as ideals for the longevity of our communities and the best hopes for queer and trans liberation.” (Mission statement via the Brave Space Alliance Website)
Marsha P Johnson Institute
“The Marsha P. Johnson Institute (MPJI) protects and defends the human rights of BLACK transgender people. We do this by organizing, advocating, creating an intentional community to heal, developing transformative leadership, and promoting our collective power.
We intend to reclaim Marsha P. Johnson and our relationship as BLACK trans people to her life and legacy. It is in our reclaiming of Marsha that we give ourselves permission to reclaim autonomy to our minds, to our bodies, and to our futures. We were founded both as a response to the murders of BLACK trans women and women of color and how that is connected to our exclusion from social justice issues, namely racial, gender, and reproductive justice, as well as gun violence.” (Mission statement via the Marsha P Johnson Foundation website)
The Okra Project
“The Okra Project is a collective that seeks to address the global crisis faced by Black Trans people by bringing home cooked, healthy, and culturally specific meals and resources to Black Trans People wherever we can reach them.
During the Middle Passage, our African ancestors snuck okra onto captive ships to sustain themselves and plant in the new world. Black Diasporic cooking traditions often use the okra plant for its versatility and it is often associated with health, prosperity, and community. In this spirit, The Okra Project hopes to extend free, delicious, and nutritious meals to Black Trans people experiencing food insecurity.
How does it work?
It’s actually very simple! Based on individual donations, The Okra Project pays Black Trans chefs to go into the homes of Black Trans people to cook them a healthy and home-cooked meal at absolutely no cost to our Black TGNC siblings. For those Black Trans folks currently experiencing homeless or whose homes cannot support our chef’s cooking, The Okra Project has partnered with institutions like Osborne Association and other community spaces to deliver foods.” (Information via The Okra Project Website)
For The Gworls
“For the Gworls’ Rent and Gender-Affirming Surgery Fund accepts applications from Black, transgender people nationwide. With this fund, we actively fight to reduce homelessness rates in the Black transgender community, as well as lower the risk for affirmative surgeries being done in ways that put them at greater health risks. Now more than ever, this work is especially important considering that many Black transgender people are being laid off in absurdly high numbers, which is only exacerbating the already terrible conditions that Black transgender people generally live in.” (Information via Arts Business Collaborative)
Black Trans Travel Fund
“The Black Trans Travel Fund is a mutual-aid based organization committed to uplifting the narratives and supporting the livelihoods of Black trans women. Launched in June of 2019, BTTF was developed for the purpose of providing Black transgender women with the financial resources needed to be able to self-determine and access safer alternatives to travel, where women feel less likely to experience verbal harassment or physical harm. We are proud to have already redistributed over $60,000 to Black trans women in need!
BTTF was created out of direct response to the relentless and unacceptable violence Black transgender women across the country have been continuously experiencing.We are currently providing our service to Black trans women in New York state as well as and New Jersey state, and will be working to expand our efforts to other states soon!
This is a direct call to action for allies to be able to leverage their resources and make a tangible difference in the lives of Black trans women.” (Mission statement via the Black Trans Travel Fund website)
Black Visions Collective
“Since 2017, Black Visions Collective, has been putting into practice the lessons learned from organizations before us in order to shape a political home for Black people across Minnesota. We aim to center our work in healing and transformative justice principles, intentionally develop our organizations core “DNA” to ensure sustainability, and develop Minnesota’s emerging Black leadership to lead powerful campaigns. By building movements from the ground up with an integrated model, we are creating the conditions for long term success and transformation.
Black Visions Collective envisions a world in which ALL Black Lives Matter. We use the guidance and brilliance of our ancestors as well as the teachings of our own experiences to pursue our commitment to dismantling systems of oppression and violence. We are determined in our pursuit of dignity and equity for all.” (Information via Black Visions Collection website)
SisTers PGH
SisTers PGH is a transgender centered drop-in space, resource provider and shelter transitioning program based in Pittsburgh, PA. SisTersPGH, Corp offers outreach, accurate transgender education, trans inclusion training, advocacy, and emergency housing/shelter for transgender people of Pittsburgh.
SisTersPGH works to create an educated, supportive Pittsburgh where trans and non-binary people have the resources to thrive on their own terms.” (Mission statement via SisTers PGH website)
Transgender Law Project
“Transgender Law Center changes law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.
Transgender Law Center (TLC) is the largest national trans-led organization advocating for a world in which all people are free to define themselves and their futures. Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, TLC employs a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.” (Information via Transgender Law Project website)
Trans Housing Coalition
“Mission: The Trans Housing Coalition helps Atlanta’s chronically homeless Transgender and gender non-conforming people move from the streets into long-term housing and on to the lives they want to lead. Vision: To end chronic homelessness & support a better quality of life for the Trans & gender-nonconforming community in the greater Atlanta area.” (Information via Trans Housing Coalition website)